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Understanding Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes in Kubernetes

 This is a small article about understanding the liveness, readiness and startup in kubernetes.  There's good explanation in the kubernetes documentation: This video also explains well the process: But I wanted to understand it in a practical way. So I have this demo: It's a simple application running on a kubernetes cluster. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: chat-ui spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: chat-ui template: metadata: labels: app: chat-ui spec: containers: - image: diegotc/guestbook:20230803-064434 imagePullPolicy: Alwa...

Solucionar “Servicio de suscripción activa” Blackberry o Reload Software: 552

Este post va para todas las personas que tienen un blackberry y tienen problemas para actualizar el SO. Se preguntaran problemas? Si solo es de darle click a next y listo. Pero resulta que pueden tener ciertos problemitas. Como cuales?

1. Cuando le dan click a Actualizar nos sale este error “Servicio de suscripción activa” y se dan cuenta que al momento que entramos a no sale nuestro pais. :(

2. Tenemos un error de reload software 552

En estos casos buscando en google encontre muchas soluciones las cuales ninguna me funcionaron lo cual me llevo a borrar todos mis datos :(

Que ocupamos?

  • El Sistema Operativo para nuestro celular. Donde lo conseguiemos? AQUI (Buscamos nuestra compañia provedora y listo)
  • La ultima version del Desktop Software. AQUI

Ahora que hacemos?

Facil, instalamos el sistema operativo(Es da darle doble click siguiente y siguiente). Despues reiniciamos la computadora, abrimos el Desktop Software nos aparecera la opcion de instalar el SO. Y el mensaje desaparecio. Asi de facil, nada de otras aplicaciones raras que aparecen en la mayoria de tutoriales que salen en google.


  1. This article was vey helpful to me. It helped me to be informed and more aware. The details were such a blessing, thanks.


  2. eiiit q tal, me siguio marcando el mismo error aun despues de hacer lo q explicas, sbes porq ira el error

  3. Esta es una gran noticia para todos los que usamos SharePoint para colaboración empresarial: la aplicación de Microsoft ya está disponible para BlackBerry. Aquí les dejo el artículo:

  4. Bueno a lo que yo tengo entendido para poder actualizar tienes que tener activo el servicio bis de blackberry de lo contrario no te dejara hacer la actualizacion

  5. Si. Pero el articulo no va relacionado a eso. Sino sobre el error Blackberry o Reload Software: 552.

    Es la manera que logre solucinarlo.


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Understanding Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes in Kubernetes

 This is a small article about understanding the liveness, readiness and startup in kubernetes.  There's good explanation in the kubernetes documentation: This video also explains well the process: But I wanted to understand it in a practical way. So I have this demo: It's a simple application running on a kubernetes cluster. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: chat-ui spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: chat-ui template: metadata: labels: app: chat-ui spec: containers: - image: diegotc/guestbook:20230803-064434 imagePullPolicy: Alwa...

Ansible using plugins for dynamic inventories

This is a small post about how to use inventory plugins in Ansible. If you are looking the script way I recommend to read this article: It explains really good this or you can watch this video: But if you’re looking to use inventory this article can help you. First of all, why should I used inventory if all over the internet they’re using the python scripts? Well, Ansible recommends it: Inventory plugins take advantage of the most recent updates to Ansible’s core code. We recommend plugins over scripts for dynamic inventory. You can write your own plugin to connect to additional dynamic inventory sources. The actual ansible guide is quite good, but there was a step that got me confused, probably my english isn’t so good and I didn’t understood it. We need to ena...

Getting Docker Syntax In Gedit

I have been working with docker in the last days, and encounter the syntax issue with gedit. Just pure plain text. So make a small search and found an easy way for fixing this. I found Jasper J.F. van den Bosch repository in GitHub and found the solution for this simple problem. We need to download the docker.lang file, available here: After that, you go to the folder you save the file and do the following command. sudo mv docker.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/  If this doesn't work you can try the following: sudo mv docker.lang  ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/ And that's all! Screenshot of gedit with no docker lang Screenshot of gedit with docker lang