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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2015

Understanding Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes in Kubernetes

 This is a small article about understanding the liveness, readiness and startup in kubernetes.  There's good explanation in the kubernetes documentation: This video also explains well the process: But I wanted to understand it in a practical way. So I have this demo: It's a simple application running on a kubernetes cluster. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: chat-ui spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: chat-ui template: metadata: labels: app: chat-ui spec: containers: - image: diegotc/guestbook:20230803-064434 imagePullPolicy: Alwa...

Thanks Google Open Source Program!

This 2014 and 2015 has been two years I have been involved direct and indirect with the Google Open Source Program. In 2014 I was selected as a student of the GSOC 2014 for the . This 2015, I helped organizing one GSOC Meetup at local University. I'm quite happy of organizing this meetup, because a student was selected. Raul Lopez  is the second consecutive Honduran student in being part of this program. I was also a co-mentor for the  and continue helping on the development of Bone101.This was a great experience seeing how it works the other part of the story. Besides this, I was organizing the VII Central America Open Source Summit  . The Google Open Source Program helped us sponsoring this great event. If you want to read more about this: And finally I'm working right now in the GCI program with Ubuntu . These are the reasons, wh...

VII Central America Free Software Summit

I just want to clarify this event happened on August. But we were a small group organizing the event and this was a completely volunteer event. What is the VII Central America Summit ? Central American Free Software Summit is a space of articulation, coordination and exchange of ideas between Free Open source Software (FLOSS) communities that make up the SLCA agreements and strengthening ways of working together to facilitate and promote the use of Free Software development in the region(Central America). Objectives of the Event Strengthening the processes of social awareness, philosophy, and policy of Free software in Honduras and Central America. A multidisciplinary space that will allow managers of social projects and achieve regional politicians present their initiatives and manage contact network collaboration and / or support. Create an educational application during the hackathon that will take during the event, this app will benefit the 7 countries of Central...

Ubuntu is part of the Google Code In

Yesterday I received an email that make me happy! I received an email from an Ubuntu Mail list, that was almost dead. In few words, the email said Ubuntu is going to be part of the Google Code In . This are great new! But why I have a lot of interest that Ubuntu is part of the GCI? Well. the first time I listen about the Google Summer of Code and Google Code In, was on 2010 . Ubuntu was part of the GSOC and I was on college, months later the GCI began, unfortunately I was to old (18 years). So I began my work on trying to be part of this program. I tried on 2011 and failed with KDE , 2012 with New Vision for Public Schools and in 2014 I finally did it with the ! This year I help the as a co-mentor and I'm planning to help Ubuntu for this Google Code In as a mentor. For my surprise I have an old friend working on this, the great  José Antonio Rey . If you want to help join the irc: #ubuntu-google on freenode   or the mail li...

Algunas aplicaciones para hacer ejercicio en el hogar

En mi ultimo articulo , hacia referencia que siempre me ha gustado hacer ejercicio. Pero desde que estaba en la universidad y el trabajo se me hizo difícil poder seguir en esto. Aparte de falta de disciplina. Ahora que solo trabajo, tampoco he encontrado el tiempo para el ejercicio. Estoy haciendo poco ciclismo en lo que va en el año, y ya va a terminar. Me encontré varias aplicaciones en Google Play. Y puedo considerar que estas dos aplicaciones se merecen 5 estrellas. Push Ups Workout Es una aplicación que te permite llevar un conteo de cuantas pechadas realizas. Saca provecho del sensor de proximidad y así la aplicación sabe si las estas haciendo bien. Obviamente se puede engañar a la app y fingir que se hacen mas, pero es uno mismo el que se esta mintiendo. Tiene diferentes niveles de entrenamiento, uno hace una primera prueba de la mayor cantidad de pechadas que puede hacer y base de ese numero, le selecciona que entrenamiento es el mejor para uno. Algo que no se t...

Pedaliando en San Pedro Sula

Siempre me ha gustado practicar deporte. Trate con el fútbol, pero desistí al no tener un talento para este deporte. Practique atletismo por mas de 5 años, logre ganar varias competencias y medallas pero me retire. Hace 2 años atrás empecé andar en bicicleta. Inicie con una Bacini , después me de un accidente, lo deje por varios meses hasta cambiar de bicicleta. Intente hacerlo constante, pero cambios de horarios en el trabajo, el miedo de salir de noche u otras excusas que uno es bueno inventando para no practicar deporte. De lo que va del año he salido las siguientes veces. Mes Pedaleadas Enero 4 Febrero 1 Marzo 2 Abril 8 Mayo 1 Junio 1 Julio 0 Agosto 3 Septiembre 4 Octubre 5 Noviembre 1 Si se percatan es poco o nada lo que he salido este año. Me propuse tratar de salir en las mañanas antes de ir a trabajar este mes de Diciembre...