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Understanding Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes in Kubernetes

 This is a small article about understanding the liveness, readiness and startup in kubernetes.  There's good explanation in the kubernetes documentation: This video also explains well the process: But I wanted to understand it in a practical way. So I have this demo: It's a simple application running on a kubernetes cluster. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: chat-ui spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: chat-ui template: metadata: labels: app: chat-ui spec: containers: - image: diegotc/guestbook:20230803-064434 imagePullPolicy: Always nam

Ubuntu is part of the Google Code In

Yesterday I received an email that make me happy! I received an email from an Ubuntu Mail list, that was almost dead. In few words, the email said Ubuntu is going to be part of the Google Code In . This are great new!

But why I have a lot of interest that Ubuntu is part of the GCI?

Well. the first time I listen about the Google Summer of Code and Google Code In, was on 2010. Ubuntu was part of the GSOC and I was on college, months later the GCI began, unfortunately I was to old (18 years). So I began my work on trying to be part of this program. I tried on 2011 and failed with KDE, 2012 with New Vision for Public Schools and in 2014 I finally did it with the!

This year I help the as a co-mentor and I'm planning to help Ubuntu for this Google Code In as a mentor. For my surprise I have an old friend working on this, the great José Antonio Rey. If you want to help join the irc:#ubuntu-google on freenode  or the mail list: ubuntu-soc mailing list

What is Google Code In?

The Google Code In is an invitation to  pre-university students ages 13 to 17 to take part in Google Code-in, a contest that introduces young minds to the world of open source. With a wide variety of bite-sized tasks, it’s easy for beginners to jump in and get started no matter what skills you have.


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Understanding Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes in Kubernetes

 This is a small article about understanding the liveness, readiness and startup in kubernetes.  There's good explanation in the kubernetes documentation: This video also explains well the process: But I wanted to understand it in a practical way. So I have this demo: It's a simple application running on a kubernetes cluster. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: chat-ui spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: chat-ui template: metadata: labels: app: chat-ui spec: containers: - image: diegotc/guestbook:20230803-064434 imagePullPolicy: Always nam

Adding Users to Existing Groups in Ubuntu (Oneiric Ocelot)

Hi have been working in Virtual Box, this days and need to add my user to the vboxusers group. I was going to do it graphically, and suddenly I notice that the application I use for doing this job it disappear. :( So I have to use the CLI If you know the group just do this Steps sudo usermod -a -G GROUP USER where -a means append. Add the user to the supplementary group(s). Use only with the -G option. If you want to read more about the usermod do man usermod If you don't know the group Steps groupmode 2 TIMES sudo usermod -a -G GROUP USER If you see the only difference is that you type groupmode and press tab 2 times and all the groups will be display. HOPE it works

Que buscaron los hondureños en Google en el 2017

Se han preguntando que buscan los catrachos en Internet? Les traemos un resumen de las busquedas de este 2017 en Honduras.