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Mostrando entradas de 2014

Understanding Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes in Kubernetes

 This is a small article about understanding the liveness, readiness and startup in kubernetes.  There's good explanation in the kubernetes documentation: This video also explains well the process: But I wanted to understand it in a practical way. So I have this demo: It's a simple application running on a kubernetes cluster. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: chat-ui spec: replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: chat-ui template: metadata: labels: app: chat-ui spec: containers: - image: diegotc/guestbook:20230803-064434 imagePullPolicy: Alwa...

.Net goes open source

This is quite a surprise. I just read Miguel de Icaza's Blog   about Microsoft is open sourcing .NET. Part of Miguel de Icaza article Today, Scott Guthrie announced that Microsoft is open sourcing .NET. This is a momentous occasion, and one that I have advocated for many years. .NET is being open sourced under the  MIT license . Not only is the code being released under this very permissive license, but Microsoft is providing a  patent promise  to ensure that .NET will get the adoption it deserves. The code is being hosted at the  .NET Foundation's github  repository. This patent promise addresses the historical concerns that the open source, Unix and free software communities have raised over the years. What do you think about this?

Los estudiantes de la UNAH ejemplo de cómo se hacen las cosas!

Al principio de esta huelga, me pareció que era otra huelga más, que eran alumnos irresponsables que se quejaban que no querían pasar con 70. Mediocres, que si por ellos fueran se pasara con 50. Tenía este pensamiento hasta que varios amigos de diferentes estatus sociales (Del que se va en bus, el que paga taxi y el que tiene carro) me dijeron lo mismo. Mira Diego, la infraestructura es pésima. Los baños dan pena, y esto lo experimente una vez que me toco ir. Pocas aulas con climatizadas, si eres de San Pedro Sula, sabes que es una tortura recibir clases así. Maestros irresponsables que solo llegan 1 vez cada 2 semanas. Maestros con denuncias de acoso sexual, racismo, asaltos en las cercanías de la universidad, el precio de alimentación parecido al de una cafetería de una universidad privada y otras cosas más. Definitivamente esta vez ellos tenían razón. Era la única forma de presión para llevar un dialogo. Según comentarios que leí. Cito a RicardoFM,2014  en un comentario...

Central America is discovering BeagleBoard!

The title is clear enough! I was on the VI Encuentro Centroamericano of Software Libre and gave a presentation about what is and showing some small demos of the BeagleBone Black. Important refereces about Central America and Open Hardware/Single Board Computers & Microcontrollers All of this data is according to what people said on Panama. Arduino it's used in 6 countries of Central America as part of their computer science studies or electrical engineer Raspberry Pi is also use on the 7 countries of Central America Just 2 countries of Central America have listen about the BeagleBone Black. (Costa Rica & Honduras) Just 1 country of Central America has work with a BeagleBone Black. (Honduras) What was my talk about? Basically my talk was about, what is the community and the Beaglebone Black. I did a presentation on HTML explaining the history and goals. Check the presentation here I show some slides of Jason ...

In the Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre!

Currently I'm on the city of Chitre in Panama for the VI Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre . This has been an excelent experience. I met several friends and community members I meet on the Primer Encuentro Centroamericano in the city of Esteli Nicaragua and of course new persons from central america. Something new the ECSL has, is the presence of several recognize people of the open source community. We had the presence of Ramon Ramon , a famous blogger in the latin america. Guillermo Movia Community Manager for Latin America for Mozilla and other people of the Open Source Community in Central America. I'm going to write in future post about my presentation of the and other talks I have with the Mozilla people. By the way I got the opportunity to know Jorge Aguilar founder of the Mozilla Community of Honduras. Some images . If you want to read this presentation in spanish click here .

En el Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre

Actualmente me encuentro en la ciudad de Chitre en Panamá en el VI Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre . Por los momentos ha sido una excelente experiencia. Me vuelto a encontrar a varias personas que conocí en el Primer Encuentro Centroamericano y nuevas personas de varios países de centroamerica. Algo nuevo que a tenido este ECSL es la presencia de varias personas reconocidas en la comunidad del Software Libre. Entre ellos, esta Ramon Ramon , famoso bloguero de software libre.  Guillermo Movia Community Manager de America Latina para Mozilla y otras grandes personas de la comunidad de Software Libre en Centroamerica. Mas adelante voy a escribir sobre la charla que di sobre , y otras platicas con las personas de Mozilla, que por cierto conoci a Jorge Aguilar miembro fundador de la Comunidad Mozilla Honduras. Algunas Imágenes . Si deseas leer este articulo en ingles, click aqui.

My experience of the Google Summer of Code

I know the program ended, almost a month ago. But I haven't had the opportunity of sharing my thoughts of the GSOC 2014. This summer, I coded for the organization. It was a great experience. It was my third time trying to be part of the GSOC, and finally I was accepted. The main idea of the project is a platform for viewing and creating tutorials. You can see it here . Right now I'm working on migrating this to Jekyll . This is the next step the BeagleBoard community is taking. After the program finish I convinced Jason Kridner cofounder of the to give a small hangout about what's, talk about the Beagle Bone Black and his view of the organizations. Why I decide to talk with Jason, so he can give a talk? Well for motivating more Honduran students to involve on the open source moment. I was the first Honduran Student, that was part of the Google Summer of Code . Hope this motivates more Honduran student.

How I miss you Synaptic!

Several years  have passed since we saw the Synaptic included in Ubuntu. You can found reasons here  . So in a clear english the reason was to have a better add/remove program for users. A friendly application. The explanation sounds good, I didn't complain about that, until right now. Ubuntu has change a lot, it's really a friendly user OS. I have use CLI when necessary, but today I couldn't believe it. I'm a Google Chrome user, I know you will tell me it's not open source or I should use Chromium or FF. But no. I'm a user of Google Chrome, and many people also prefer Chrome over Chromium, so why it should be quite complex remove it? If Ubuntu wants to be more friendly user why you should use the terminal for removing one of the most popular web browsers? I could understand if is a browser few people use, a good reason. But not a popular browser, Chrome is one of the most popular browsers on the world! A screen shot of the Ubuntu Software Center, trying t...

Bone101 Status Week 2

What has been done I have been working on testing the Github API (Getting,Creating, Deleting gist) ajaxorg/node-github I have been working on adding Bootstrap to the project. Working on  alexanderhiam idea . (May 21 18:24:56 ) Working on creating the login library. Using jaredhanson/passport-github Issues I got some personal problems this week that pass. They have been resolved. The login page hasn't been added to the github rep, still having some issues, want to have it 100% so the community can test it. 2 Week Work Finish the login page Have the first demo presentation for creating the cards Confirm with mentors if we're going to use Flickr API for uploading image Beging to write in google docs one tutorial at least, This way David can check it and use it as a real tutorial for testing the app

Bone101 Status 1 Week

Hi Community Last week I got some issues and couldn't present you a status of Bone101. I updated the template and had almost done the final design. You can check it here: The option for the View All, is the one that is giving me some problems. I'm not quite sure if the way that is right now is the proper way of showing it. Personal Observations Planning to change the blue color(, for some orange or some BeagleBoard color. Need to confirm this with Jason. To do for this week I just began to work with the Github API. Need to create a login page for writing tutorials. Need to play around with the Flickr API. Need to confirm with Jason if we're going to use the flickr system for hosting images. Have the option of forking the project. I have to test this. These are my goals for this week.

Lets install Atom in Ubuntu 14.04

I just read that Atom the editor is going open source. So I just installed it and begin playing with it. Important. This is a beta version These are the steps for installing Atom in Ubuntu 14.04 First we need to install and configure nodejs. Install Configure We need to be sure that we have the following versions of install: node.js v0.10.x npm v1.4.x For doing this we do the following: Install Dependencies Install If you get an error like this one "/usr/local/share/atom/atom: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Do the following: Some images

I have been selected in the GSOC 2014

I know this is not an Ubuntu related post. But I really wanted to share to the Ubuntu Community that I was selected to be part of the Google Summer of Code 2014. Just a special thanks to Paul Tagliamonte (@paultag) told me to continue trying after not being selected last year. April 21st was a great day for me! I received an email from Google informing that my proposal was accepted. I will be working this summer with the  organization. My project is to improve the on-board tutorial enviroment for BeagleBone with live running interactive examples. If you want to read more about the 7 projects of BeagleBone, you can read them here

Ubuntu Honduras in the FLISOL

Ubuntu Honduras was present in the   FLISOL San Pedro Sula There were several presentations in the FLISOL. Ubuntu Honduras team members talk about the following topics: What is Ubuntu Open Hardware C++ with Cocos2dx Backbone.js Besides the 3 speakers, there were members of Informatica Libre helping people installed Ubuntu and other GNU/Linux distributions to the people who wished to have a GNU/Linux version. There were aproximately 300 people in this event. Many of them were high school students. This event help students understand the importance of Free Software in our daily life. To know What is FLISOL? FLISOL, an acronym for Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre (Latin American free software install fest), is the biggest event for spreading Software Libre since 2005, performed simultaneously in different countries of Latin America. FLISOL San Pedro Sula (FLISOL SPS) This is a newspaper article talking about FLISOL The FLISOL ...

My BeagleBone Black has arrived!

Whoa! I have just unpacked my new BeagleBone Black. Right now I am want to test it. During this days, I will try to run Ubuntu on it. :) A special thanks to Jason Kridner for this board!

Hackaton 2014. Hackiemos la seguridad en nuestro país.

Primer hackaton que participo. En lo personal el evento estuvo bien organizado. Los organizadores hicieron un buen trabajo. Comida, refresco, agua no falto. El internet ciertos momentos del día hubieron problemas, pero no fue algo que afecto el desarrollo de los proyectos. Lo digo otra vez más los organizadores se llevan un 99% en logística. Lo malo. Claro que hubo cosas malas. Y creo que una de ellas es la conformación del jurado. No estuvo bien equilibrado. Había un juez, un abogado, un oficial de policía y una web designer. Pero hay que tomar en consideración que la web designer no hablaba ni entendía el español.  Los organizadores no garantizaron a los presentes que la traducción fue de calidad. Ejemplo cuando ella dio unas palabras y la persona que traducía tuvo que preguntarle que había dicho. Aparte de esto, considero que hicieron falta más personas en el jurado. Dejamos a un lado los psicólogos, maestros, líderes de barrios y colonias. Estas personas están necesi...

Corrupcion en el Seguro Social

Es la noticia que esta de "moda" actualmente en el país. Pero solo hasta allí llega. Nadie detalla a fondo lo que la comisión descubrió o quienes son los responsables. Dejo unas partes del informe de la comisión. Tal vez se sorprenden de las maravillas que hay en ese pdf de mas de 100 paginas. Camas Unitarias Las camas unitarias fueron comprados 11 veces mas cara de su precio real. En el mercado el precio de cada cama es de  $5000. El IHSS las compro a $54,000 Pagina 70 del informe de la comisión Igualmente, debe señalarse que el valor del ítems 2.B.16, 2.B.17, y 2.B.18, éste último llamado camas eléctricas tiene un precio unitario en el mercado de aproximadamente US$5,000, que no son comparables con el valor unitario contenido en la oferta por la cantidad de US$54,000, sin embargo, esta apreciación debe ser turnada a un especialista con mayores herramientas científicas y técnicas para establecer el justiprecio del contrato. Equipo Biomedico La empresa responsab...

Cuando los sindicatos se vuelven el enemigo

Es un tema bien fuerte, incluso puede hacerlos pensar que soy una persona que esta de acuerdo con los gobiernos de derecha extrema que solo les interesa explotar a sus empleados, para el beneficio de pocos. Pero la verdad es todo lo contrario. Mi postura es de centro izquierda. Daré un poco mi opinión respecto a este tema. Si alguien tiene una opinión, es bienvenida en los comentarios. Los sindicatos surgen por una razon muy simple. Citare wikipedia para explicar esa razon: " es una asociación integrada por  trabajadores  en defensa y promoción de sus intereses laborales, con respecto al centro de producción o al  empleador  con el que están relacionados contractualmente." Fuente Tiempo atrás las grandes empresas se beneficiaron de los empleados. Hasta tal punto que trabajan como esclavos, malos sueldos, pocos beneficios y tratados mal. Dichas empresas se beneficiaban de esto. Pagaban poco y obtenían grandes utilidades. Por eso el surgimiento de los sindicato...

Lets Hack the 'Jurassic Park' Computer System

I just found the Jurassic Park system ! You can hack it like the movie! You should check it out. Link:

Back to Ubuntu & New Plans

Today is 14 of  February 2014. It's been 45 days of this year and I have finally decided what are my plans. I am just quite finishing my computer science degree. So I have finally time. Its being a lot since I am a little sleepy in the Ubuntu Comunity. I have been a little active in Ask Ubuntu and some local events at my city. But I finally decided that my contribution this year is going to be to develop apps for Ubuntu Desktop/Mobile. I have being reading a lot of posts here in Planet Ubuntu  and checking the website I am quite excited in beginning. Planning to write a lot about my experience, examples and possible issues I find. Beside this I am planning to learn Node.js I hope that at the end of the year, I can write an article saying this two goals were completed.